Zimbabwe to launch 24 new TV channels

Nick Mangwana, the Secretary for Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services said, “The Government will diversify ownership. Licences will not be issued on partisan lines, but it will be open for everyone. The licences will be issued in a transparent manner, but the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, as a public broadcaster, will have a fair share.”
All 24 channels will be opened for both public and private players, where the authorities will also consider increasing the threshold for foreign ownership from the current 20%.
Mangwana said the Government will soon publish the Freedom of Information, Zimbabwe Media Commission, Protection of Information and Broadcasting Services Act Amendment Bills designed to repeal and replace AIPPA to align the laws with the Constitution.
Already, the Government is working on reforming of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA) to ensure access to information for all. The Government wants the content of AIPPA and its implementation to reflect its title, which is access to information.
Mangwana said the Government will soon gazette the Freedom of Information, Zimbabwe Media Commission, Protection of Information and Broadcasting Services Act Amendment Bills designed to repeal and replace AIPPA to align the laws with the Constitution.
“Some of the draft Bills have already been passed in Cabinet, while some are yet to be finalised.
“We intend to publish the Bills in the Government Gazette soon. Once published in the Gazette, they will be brought before Parliament for debate,” said Mangwana.
Source: NexTVAfrica.com.