OOH measurement across Africa explored at PAMRO

It’s been a red letter year for out of home (OOH) advertising measurement in South Africa (SA), with the launch in May of the Outdoor Measurement Council’s (OMC) Outdoor Industry Audience Research.
Many of the key players from this achievement will be speaking at PAMRO, including JC Decaux’s Lyn Jones, who will present on the OMC’s successful launch of the first OOH ratings in South Africa for over a decade. She will be discussing some of the challenges that were overcome to achieve this, along with the introduction of an ESOMAR gold standard rated currency for Africa.
Africa OOH measurement
Daniel Cuende and Max Richman of Cuende and Geopoll, two of the institutions behind the OMC’s measurement tool, will present ‘A Hybrid Methodology for Out of Home Measurement’. This responds to the difficulties of measuring OOH advertisements across Africa, with a new approach that uses satellite imagery and mobile survey data to collect data on Out of Home reach and impact.
Cuende and Geopoll’s presentation will include reach and GRP data for billboards and other OOH advertisements in major metropolitan areas throughout Africa; information on trip habits of different demographic groups on weekends and weekdays; and popular transport methods – foot, car, taxi, bus – broken down by demographics. They will also provide an overview of initial results from cities in South Africa and Kenya.
Crowdsourcing approach
Justin Schwellnus, managing partner at Dashboard Marketing Intelligence, presents ‘A New Approach to OOH measurement using Crowdsourcing’. Schwellnus notes two points with regard to the measurement of out of home advertising: first, the wide geographical spread of OOH advertising, along with the rotation of advertising and the possibility of site damage, complicates the accuracy of OOH measurements.
Second, certain marketing metrics such as ‘What is my share of voice?’ and ‘What campaigns are my competitors running?’ are critical to clients in this arena, and need to be addressed. Schwellnus therefore aims to demonstrate how this information can be regularly, effectively and cost efficiently obtained using a crowdsourced approach. Dashboard Marketing Intelligence have deployed an App that records GPS location as well as date/time stamped data and a brief assessment of each site, in a bid to answer these issues.
OOH measurement makes up one facet of the media measurement landscape to be addressed at this year’s PAMRO conference. Between presentations, delegates will have the opportunity to network against the backdrop of the spectacular Victoria Falls at the venue, the Elephant Hills Resort.
*Register as a delegate at the conference.