Zim: Over 100 brands up for Superbrand contest
Over 100 brand submissions from across the country had been received for consideration, a development MAZ said indicated the great interest among brand custodians to evaluate how their companies or products were faring in an increasingly competitive market.
Important, leading brands
MAZ said in a statement that it was currently undertaking a comprehensive survey "to identify important and leading brands in the market by category" among the entries.
"The Superbrand survey will be modelled to provide an indication of marketing and advertising success, brand popularity, growth, decline and consumer trust. It is also meant to provide business investors and the public with a brand health measurement," said MAZ.
Is your brand a Superbrand
MAZ said such studies have become very popular around the world, with South Africa having embarked on such a study in 1992 through Markinor and The Sunday Times.
MAZ said it would seek to identify important and leading brands in the market by category and highlight which brands stand out in the minds of consumers.
"To the marketer, the major question is: Is my brand a Superbrand? (Answers) to this question can only be obtained through the study mainly looking at the following key issues: brand market dominance, longevity, goodwill, customer loyalty and overall market acceptance," said MAZ.