Alleged editors' bribery saga: PM to sue media outlets
The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) recently carried stories alleging that Tsvangirai had bribed editors of local private newspapers to stop negative coverage of his party and his promiscuous behaviour.
The Herald also picked up the story.
Tsvangirai's lawyer, Selby Hwacha, on Friday, 13 January 2011, confirmed receiving instructions to sue.
"We have received instructions to sue the writers and publishers of the stories," Hwacha said, "We are in the process of compiling the papers."
The stories alleged that Tsvangirai dangled thousands of dollars to the editors and instructed them to immediately stop publishing anything to do with his alleged marriage to Locardia Karimatsenga Tembo.
The stories further alleged that Tsvangirai ordered the editors to redirect their negative reports to Zanu PF and its officials.
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