China will no longer build overseas coal power plants - what energy projects will it invest in instead?Yixian Sun 4 Oct 2021
Uranium: what the explosion in prices means for the nuclear industryEdward Thomas Jones, Danial Hemmings, Simon Middleburgh 27 Sep 2021
How IPPs can be effectively leveraged in the African power generation landscapeShamilah Grimwood-Norley 15 Sep 2021
Business as usual in post-pandemic recovery will only reinforce economic hardshipNjuguna Ndung'u 28 Sep 2020
US is more relaxed about oil spike than Europe - which helps explain differences over IranMueid Al Raee 15 Jan 2020
Fossil fuel extraction could be contributing to climate change by heating Earth from withinRizwan Nawaz & Adel Sharif 23 Aug 2019