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Results for Grey+Advertising


Source: © PHD Media  The MMA Smarties 2023 finalists have been announced
Marketing & Media
MMA Smarties 2023 finalists announced

5 Apr 2024

The awards were held last week. Source: Supplied.
Marketing & Media
The New Generation Awards winners revealed

2 Oct 2023

Source: BCW Africa  The Presidential Awards saw Bridget von Holdt awarded Gold for Outstanding Legacy of Achievement at the Prism Awards 2023
Marketing & Media
All the 2023 Prism Awards winners

1 Aug 2023

Source: © D&AD  The 61st D&AD Awards Ceremony took place on 24 and 25 May 2023 in London
Marketing & Media
All the 61st 2nd D&AD Awards winners

26 May 2023

KFC's Anything for the taste ad won in the silver and bronze categories.
Marketing & Media
All the 2023 SA Clio Award winners

3 May 2023

Source: Web Tickets  The Creative Circle Best of 2022 have been announced
Marketing & Media
Creative Circle Best of 2022 announced

10 Mar 2023

Biz Most Read Award winners February 2023
Marketing & Media
Biz Most Read Award winners February 2023

Issued by 1 Mar 2023

Grey Advertising Africa wins big at Loeries 2022
Marketing & Media
Grey Advertising Africa wins big at Loeries 2022

Issued by Grey Africa 14 Oct 2022

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