Promise has been appointed by esteemed Top-5 law firm Routledge Modise to handle all through-the-line marketing communications. Established in 1892, Routledge Modise is one of the leading full-service law firms in South Africa. The firm has an extensive blue-chip client base of major domestic and international corporations, banks, financial institutions and state authorities.
Terry Mahon, director and Chairman: Routledge Modise, notes, “Routledge Modise Attorneys has experienced tremendous growth over the past year. We felt it was time to appoint a branding and advertising agency to take the firm to the next level. We looked at a couple of presentations and decided to appoint Promise Brand Specialists. We were impressed by their innovative approach to other clients' branding issues and we liked their vibrant, can-do attitude and their commitment to add value to their clients. We trust they will deliver a creative brand solution for our firm and look forward to working with them.”
The Westcliff Hotel and Spa, situated in Johannesburg's most exclusive suburb and brimming with grand heritage, has joined the Promise client list. Olivier Larcher, The Westcliff Hotel and Spa comments, “We are thrilled with the quality and the efficiency of Promise's design skills and operations and are looking forward to working together.”
The agency is also currently involved in a confidential Blue Chip corporate rebranding project, in addition to a very busy start this year with its established client base.